Sioe ddawns a cherddoriaeth wedi ei seilio ar chwedl Blodeuwedd. Cyfansoddwyd y gerddoriaeth wreiddiol gan Dewi Evans a mae'n cynnwys hefyd ail fersiynau o ganeuon gan Throbbing Gristle, Joy Division a Scott Walker yn ogystal â hen ffefrynnau gan Y Diliau a Datblygu.
Comisiynwyd y gwaith gan Collectif Essonne de Danse a mae'n gynhyrchiad ar y cyd rhyngddynt hwy a Chanolfan y Chapter a Chwmni Diversions.
A dance/music piece based on the Welsh legend of Blodeuwedd. Created from flowers to be a wife for Lleu Llaw Gyffes, she rebels, plots against him and pays the consequences.
A narrative with numbers, it features original music by Dewi Evans and covers of songs by Throbbing Gristle, Joy Division and Scott Walker, and Welsh artists Y Diliau and Datblygu.
Commissioned by Collectif Essonne de Danse and a co-production with Chapter Arts Centre and Diversions Dance, Cardiff