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Stafell B

Gwaith chwech wythnos ym Mhrifysgol Cymru, Aberystwyth, haf 2004. Crewyd sioe ddawns fyw i gyfeiliant cerddoriaeth a thestun (ar offer clywed) mewn set tair stafell. Lluniwyd testun yn sôn am ymgyrch Owain Williams yn erbyn yr argae yn Nhryweryn, perfformiad Catherine Deneuve yn y ffilm "Repulsion" ac anturiaethau MI5 oddi fewn i'r brifysgol.

Gosodwyd y gwaith ar y wê ar ffurf safle parhaol sy'n dewis a dethol lluniau a cherddoraieth ar hap.

Mae StafellB yn waith parhaol ar y we.

Six week project at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth , summer 2004, consisting of a live dance show with soundtrack and commentary (on audio headsets). Text includes material on Owain Williams' bombing of the Tryweryn reservoir site in 1963, Catherine Deneuve's performance in the film "Repulsion" and MI5's activities within the university.

Images from the show are set into a website which runs continuously, randomly choosing and mixing pictures and music.

StafellB is a permanent work on the web.